Oral Language Programs

Maximising Literacy & Oral Language Outcomes with Evidence-Based Programs

PLD has written many programs which can assist in developing strong oral language skills and literacy skills. Speech pathologists have been central to the design of both the literacy and language range. The programs are ideal for first-language English speakers as well as those students whose first language is a language or dialect other than Standard Australian English. By strengthening oral language skills, students’ literacy skills will typically benefit.

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PLD’s Approach: The Three Areas in Literacy Development
Oral Language Programs


“The capacity to read and spell accurately and fluently is dependent on knowledge of the phoneme-grapheme relationships underpinning English orthography. The body of knowledge (phonics) needs to be taught systematically, sequentially, cumulatively and on a daily basis – to the point of automaticity” (DSF Bulletin, Volume 58:2022).

Oral Language Programs

Oral Language

Oral language refers to the act of speaking and listening. The main components for the oral language skill set includes word knowledge (vocabulary); sentence structure (grammar); language understanding (semantic and comprehension ability); and structured thinking (or the ability to elaborate, organise and sequence thoughts).

While poor oral language skills do not prevent children from reading, the long-term impact is concerning. By middle primary school, when both the curriculum and reading material increase in difficulty, a significant number of students will struggle to keep up with the demands of the curriculum if they have poorly developed language skills.

Oral Language Programs

Movement & Motor

The way students organise their body and use their muscles to respond to what they hear is a big part of literacy. Often a physical response is required. A classic example is the ability to follow instructions and compose a written response. A range of physical skill development supports the functioning within a classroom and includes skills such as pencil grip, cutting skills, letter formation and handwriting.

Whole Class Oral Language Programs

Inside each downloadable Teaching Sequence Manual, there is a full-year oral language teaching plan, consisting of whole class, small group, and home program materials.

Early Years Classes

Oral Language Programs
Oral Language Programs
Oral Language Programs

Foundation Classes

Oral Language Programs
Oral Language Programs
Oral Language Programs

Year 1 & 2 Classes

Oral Language Programs
Oral Language Programs
Oral Language Programs

Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Classes

  • Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Oral Language Plan on page 23 in the Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Teaching Sequence Manual.
  • Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Oral Language Starter Pack – view here.
  • Download the Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Posters here.
Oral Language Programs
Oral Language Programs
Oral Language Programs
Comprehension Questions Home & School Programs
Oral Language Programs

Early Years

Foundation Classes

Year 1 & 2 Classes

Years 3 & 4 Classes

Small Group Oral Language Programs

Early Years Programs

Foundation Programs

Additional Readings