Whole School Literacy Plan

Implementing a Whole School Literacy Plan (WSLP) has consistently shown to enhance student outcomes. This plan aligns the efforts of the staff under one unified vision. For students, this means consistent instruction as they move through different classes and progress from one year to the next. When every teacher in the school follows the same literacy strategy, it leads to improved academic performance across the entire school.


Whole School Literacy Plan

By integrating PLD programs into a Whole School Literacy Plan (WSLP), schools can establish consistent practices across classes and grade levels. This approach significantly enhances literacy outcomes throughout the entire school.

PLD offers a downloadable WSLP booklet that outlines how to incorporate PLD’s programs for literacy, oral language, and motor skill development into each primary school grade level. Each page provides suggested timelines and implementation guidance, along with references to the essential programs

Download the WSLP booklet or request hard copies to share with your school community.

Download the Audit Form to check if your school has all the “essential” programs in place.

Key Points to Consider

Please note that this booklet serves as a general guideline only. Each school’s unique circumstances will influence how they adopt this implementation guide. Factors such as student attendance rates, socio-economic backgrounds, transient families, initial student proficiency levels, and community expectations may all play a role.

Certain schools may find it necessary to adjust the suggested timelines for specific skills. Others may choose to implement the entire WSLP as outlined. This booklet is intended as a flexible guide that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each school.

To further support the WSLP, PLD provides downloadable Teaching Sequence Manuals. These manuals offer a more detailed overview of the implementation process SImply click on the covers below to access them.