
Essential Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Oral Language Starter Pack

$216.76 (inc. $15.44 GST)
Code: EY36OL
Year Level: Years 3 to 6

PLD has prepared an Upper Primary Oral Language pack of 4 essential resources to help students achieve the required skills to master oral language.

Between Year 3 and 6, students need to be able to:

  • Read a range of material and demonstrate inferential, evaluative, appreciative, and reorganisation levels of comprehension.ย 
  • Transfer the rehearsed oral language sentence structure and detail to written genres.

But how do you begin? This bundle of essential resources will assist.

The Essential Upper Primary Oral Language Starter Pack includes:

Other Oral Language Starter Packs:ย 

What is Oral Language

Oral language refers to the act of speaking and listening. The main components of the oral language skill set include word knowledge (vocabulary); sentence structure (grammar); language understanding (semantic and comprehension ability); and structured thinking (or the ability to elaborate, organise and sequence thoughts).

While poor oral language skills do not prevent children from reading, the long-term impact is concerning. By middle primary school, when both the curriculum and reading material increase in difficulty, a significant number of students will struggle to keep up with the demands of the curriculum if they have poorly developed language skills.

Implementing Oral Language in Year 3, 4, 5 & 6

Typically there is a significant range of ability in the majority of middle and upper primary classrooms. Some students will present with junior primary skills, while others will be above their age-related peers.ย 

Catering to this wide range in ability is central to the PLD process. While well-developed oral language skills are critical for gaining an academic understanding of content and information as students, oral language skill development is still required for many classrooms.ย 

Supporting students who are experiencing difficulty, while extending students who are more than capable, is central to PLDโ€™s Structured Synthetic Phonic (SSP) offering.

Maximising Oral Language Outcomes with Evidence-Based Programs

PLD has written many programs which can assist in developing strong oral language skills and literacy skills. Speech pathologists have been central to the design of both the literacy and language range. The programs are ideal for first-language English speakers as well as those students whose first language is a language or dialect other than Standard Australian English. By strengthening oral language skills, studentsโ€™ literacy skills will typically benefit.

Private: Mn912

Connecting Oral and Written Language - Step 2

Connecting Oral & Written Language - Step 2 is an instructional material outlining how to teach 9 to 12 year olds to express themselves in a structured way

Private: CCgn1

Generating Narratives - Set 1

Building Verbal and Written Expression Through Picture Prompts

Private: CCgn2

Generating Narratives - Set 2

A resource for helping children to start expressing themselves verbally and in writing through the use of multiple picture prompts.

Private: Mc8

Comprehension Questions for 8 and 9 Year Olds

Picture Book Program for 8 & 9 Year Olds: Perfect for Home or School

Connecting Oral and Written Language – Step 2
Private: Mn912
Generating Narratives – Set 1
Private: CCgn1
Generating Narratives – Set 2
Private: CCgn2
Comprehension Questions for 8 and 9 Year Olds
Private: Mc8

Essential Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Oral Language Starter Pack

$216.76 (inc. $15.44 GST)
Code: EY36OL
Year Level: Years 3 to 6