Online Courses: Outlining PLD’s SSP Implementation
PLD’s online courses offer teachers across Australia accessible and evidence-based professional development in Literacy. With prices starting at just $49, these courses provide a cost-effective option for both classroom teachers, and their assistants, seeking high-quality professional development.
If you are unsure about which course best suits your needs, feel free to download our “How to Choose an Online Course” form for guidance.

Discover PLD’s online courses, designed with a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to teaching evidence-based Structured Synthetic Phonics (SSP). Take the first step by clicking the links(s) below to register for complimentary access to the initial lesson.
Features of PLD Online Courses
- Option to view individually or as a group.
- Enjoy unrestricted access to all content for 90 days.
- Course duration ranges from 1 to 4 hours.
- Conveniently accessible from any location through our online platform.
- Upon completion, registered participants receive a certificate valid for Professional Development hours or accreditation.
- Our online courses are tailored to specific year groups and skill development.
- Available in user licences of 10, 15, 20 and 30.
If you are unable to complete one of the above PLD Essential Online Courses, you might consider starting with a short course to begin your PLD journey.