
Essential Year 1 & 2 Oral Language Starter Pack

$216.76 (inc. $15.44 GST)
Code: EY12OL
Year Level: Year 1 & 2

PLD has prepared a Year 1 and 2 Oral Language Starter pack containing 4 essential resources to help teach students the skills required to master oral language.

By the end of Year 1, children need to be able to:

  • Generate complex sentences for writing
  • Demonstrate inferential, predictive and evaluative comprehension ability

Building on from this, by the end of Year 2, children need to be able to:

  • Connect rehearsed language with written genres.ย 
  • Demonstrate inferential, predictive and evaluative comprehension ability

But how do you begin?

PLD’s Year 1 & 2 Oral Language Starter pack contains the following 4 teaching resources:


Other Oral Language Starter Packs:ย 


Why PLDโ€™s Oral Language Programs

PLD has written many programs which can assist in developing strong oral language skills and literacy skills. Speech pathologists have been central to the design of both the literacy and language range. The programs are ideal for first-language English speakers as well as those students whose first language is a language or dialect other than Standard Australian English. By strengthening oral language skills, studentsโ€™ literacy skills will typically benefit.


Implementing PLD in Year 1 & 2

Literacy development is the process of learning to read as well as writing and speaking. In Year 1 & 2 students focus on learning the power of reading to gather information and writing as a way to share ideas with others. Oral reading should transition from a reliance on โ€˜sounding outโ€™ to reading in an automatic and fluent manner.ย 

PLD titles are based on international research, independently assessed by third parties and constantly updated as new research becomes available. PLDโ€™s evidence-based programs are available in Starter Packs. Each Starter Pack contains a 15% discount. These recommended programs are essential to the successful implementation of the โ€˜Teaching Sequencesโ€™ outlined in the Year 1 & 2 Teaching Sequence Manual.

Private: Mn68

Connecting Oral and Written Language - Step 1

Instructional material outlining how to teach 6 to 8 year olds narrativeย oral retelling, rewriting and generation.

Private: CCgn1

Generating Narratives - Set 1

Building Verbal and Written Expression Through Picture Prompts

Private: CCgn2

Generating Narratives - Set 2

A resource for helping children to start expressing themselves verbally and in writing through the use of multiple picture prompts.

Private: Mc6

Comprehension Questions for 6 and 7 Year Olds

Picture Book Program for 6 & 7 Year Olds: Perfect for Home or School

Connecting Oral and Written Language – Step 1
Private: Mn68
Generating Narratives – Set 1
Private: CCgn1
Generating Narratives – Set 2
Private: CCgn2
Comprehension Questions for 6 and 7 Year Olds
Private: Mc6

Essential Year 1 & 2 Oral Language Starter Pack

$216.76 (inc. $15.44 GST)
Code: EY12OL
Year Level: Year 1 & 2