eBooks and Downloadable Teaching Resources
For In-School, At-Home and Online Learning

Implementing PLD in your classroom is easier and more affordable than ever with our range of eBooks. Each eBook contains the same evidence-based Structured Synthetic Phonics (SSP) resources except now they are in a handy downloadable format. The eBooks have been created in PDF format for ease-of-use across multiple devices meaning can access them on your phone, tablet, smartboard, desktop or laptop.
Read more on how the eBooks can be used within schools below/here:
- The PLD eBooks, how can they be used? What is the copyright policy?
- PLD Program Audit: Do classrooms have the ‘essentials’ required to implement PLD?
eBooks by Year Level
Best Selling Early Years eBooksView All
Kindergarten (WA, QLD, SA, TAS) Preschool (ACT, NT, NSW, VIC)
Best Selling Foundation eBooksView All
Pre-Primary (WA) Kindergarten (NSW, ACT) Preparatory (QLD, VIC, TAS) Reception (SA) Transition (NT)
Best Selling Year 1 & 2 eBooksView All
Best Selling Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 eBooksView All