
Essential Year 2 Literacy Starter Pack

$414.40 (inc. $29.74 GST)
Code: EY2L
Year Level: Year 1 & 2

In stock

By the end of Year 2, students should have progressed enough to accurately and fluently read and spell Stage 2 words and a percentage of Stage 3 words along with having a fairly consistent transfer phonic concepts into extended writing. Repeated targeted practice to facilitate automatic skills is the best way of establishing efficient skills in literacy, handwriting and oral language, which is a priority in Year 2. Aligned with the skill development sequence required for Year 2 students we have compiled an ‘Essential Year 2 Literacy Starter Pack’ below:


Other Essential Literacy Starter Packs:


Implementing PLD in Year 1 & 2

Literacy development is the process of learning to read as well as writing, communicating and socialising. It is within Year 1 & 2, where students focus on learning the power of reading to gather information and writing as a way to share ideas with others. Initially written work is phonetic, however, over time phonic and high-frequency words should transfer across to written work.ย 

You can view all programs for Year 1 and 2 classrooms here


Essential Resources for Effective Implementation

PLD titles are based on international research, independently assessed by third parties and constantly updated as new research becomes available. PLDโ€™s evidence-based programs are available in Starter Packs. Each Starter Pack contains a 15% discount. These recommended programs are essential to the successful implementation of the โ€˜Teaching Sequencesโ€™ outlined in the Year 1 & 2 Teaching Sequence Manual.


Phonic and Sight Word Sequence

Outlining the relationship between letters and sounds.

Private: SSPts1

Structured Synthetic Phonics Time-Savers - Stage 1 & 2

Ready to use resources for teaching phonic concepts, spelling and reading.

Private: SP3

Synthetic Phonics Flip Book - Stage 2, 3 & 4

Private: Md2

Phonic Dictation - Stage 2

Applying Phonic Knowledge to Extended Writing Tasks

Private: Md3

Phonic Dictation - Stage 3

Applying Phonic Knowledge to Extended Writing Tasks

Private: SSPts3

Structured Synthetic Phonics Time-Savers โ€“ Stage 3 & 4

Phonic and Sight Word Sequence
Structured Synthetic Phonics Time-Savers – Stage 1 & 2
Private: SSPts1
Synthetic Phonics Flip Book – Stage 2, 3 & 4
Private: SP3
Phonic Dictation – Stage 2
Private: Md2
Phonic Dictation – Stage 3
Private: Md3
Structured Synthetic Phonics Time-Savers โ€“ Stage 3 & 4
Private: SSPts3

Essential Year 2 Literacy Starter Pack

$414.40 (inc. $29.74 GST)
Code: EY2L
Year Level: Year 1 & 2

In stock

By the end of Year 2, students should have progressed enough to accurately and fluently read and spell Stage 2 words and a percentage of Stage 3 words along with having a fairly consistent transfer phonic concepts into extended writing. Repeated targeted practice to facilitate automatic skills is the best way of establishing efficient skills in literacy, handwriting and oral language, which is a priority in Year 2. Aligned with the skill development sequence required for Year 2 students we have compiled an ‘Essential Year 2 Literacy Starter Pack’ below:


Other Essential Literacy Starter Packs:


Implementing PLD in Year 1 & 2

Literacy development is the process of learning to read as well as writing, communicating and socialising. It is within Year 1 & 2, where students focus on learning the power of reading to gather information and writing as a way to share ideas with others. Initially written work is phonetic, however, over time phonic and high-frequency words should transfer across to written work.ย 

You can view all programs for Year 1 and 2 classrooms here


Essential Resources for Effective Implementation

PLD titles are based on international research, independently assessed by third parties and constantly updated as new research becomes available. PLDโ€™s evidence-based programs are available in Starter Packs. Each Starter Pack contains a 15% discount. These recommended programs are essential to the successful implementation of the โ€˜Teaching Sequencesโ€™ outlined in the Year 1 & 2 Teaching Sequence Manual.


Phonic and Sight Word Sequence

Outlining the relationship between letters and sounds.

Private: SSPts1

Structured Synthetic Phonics Time-Savers - Stage 1 & 2

Ready to use resources for teaching phonic concepts, spelling and reading.

Private: SP3

Synthetic Phonics Flip Book - Stage 2, 3 & 4

Private: Md2

Phonic Dictation - Stage 2

Applying Phonic Knowledge to Extended Writing Tasks

Private: Md3

Phonic Dictation - Stage 3

Applying Phonic Knowledge to Extended Writing Tasks

Private: SSPts3

Structured Synthetic Phonics Time-Savers โ€“ Stage 3 & 4

Phonic and Sight Word Sequence
Structured Synthetic Phonics Time-Savers – Stage 1 & 2
Private: SSPts1
Synthetic Phonics Flip Book – Stage 2, 3 & 4
Private: SP3
Phonic Dictation – Stage 2
Private: Md2
Phonic Dictation – Stage 3
Private: Md3
Structured Synthetic Phonics Time-Savers โ€“ Stage 3 & 4
Private: SSPts3

Essential Year 2 Literacy Starter Pack โ€“ School Licence

School licensing options are currently being developed to allow schools to share products with staff electronically (e.g. saved on servers or accessible within online platforms) and will be available soon. If you would like to be notified when this offering is available, please express your interest here.

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Additional information

Phonic and Sight Word Sequence

Weight .90 kg
Dimensions 30 × 21 × 1.5 cm

Structured Synthetic Phonics Time-Savers - Stage 1 & 2

Weight 1.04 kg
Dimensions 29.5 × 22.5 × 1.5 cm

Synthetic Phonics Flip Book - Stage 2, 3 & 4

Weight .48 kg
Dimensions 22 × 15 × 1.5 cm

Phonic Dictation - Stage 2

Weight .68 kg
Dimensions 30 × 21 × 1.5 cm

Phonic Dictation - Stage 3

Weight .70 kg
Dimensions 30 × 21 × 1.5 cm

Structured Synthetic Phonics Time-Savers โ€“ Stage 3 & 4

Weight 1.04 kg
Dimensions 29.5 × 22.5 × 1.5 cm

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