
Pre-CVC Entry to Year 1 & 2 Classes Pack

$280.52 (inc. $20.08 GST)
Code: EY12LE
Year Level: Year 1 & 2

PLD has created a ‘Year 1 Entry Starter Pack’ with resources specifically for teaching Year 1 and Year 2 students who enter with very low literacy skills. This bundle of programs aims to explicitly and systematically target pre-cvc skills, so that students can commence on PLD’s Stage 1.

When students enter Year 1 or even Year 2 with very low literacy skills it can be very confronting for teachers. While some students can be assigned CVC (or Stage 1 Target 1) reading, spelling and writing tasks, for a proportion of students this will not be appropriate as pre-literacy skills require instruction.

In order to progress into and through Stage 1 Target 1, students must have mastered the following:

  • The phonemic awareness skill of blending three phonemes, which is a prerequisite skill of decoding
  • The phonemic awareness skill of segmentation, which is a prerequisite skill of spelling
  • Alphabet sound recall

PLD has created a Year 1 Entry Starter Pack with resources specifically for this purpose, including:


Related Entry Programs for Low Literacy Skills 


Essential Resources Year 1 & 2

PLD titles are based on international research, independently assessed by third parties and constantly updated as new research becomes available. PLD’s evidence-based programs are available in Starter Packs. Each Starter Pack contains a 15% discount. These recommended programs are essential to the successful implementation of the ‘Teaching Sequences’ outlined in the Year 1 & 2 Teaching Sequence Manual.


About PLD Literacy

PLD provides an Australian, evidence-based approach to Structured Synthetic Phonics (SSP) for primary school educators. Aligned with the Science of Reading, PLD’s SSP approach extends from the junior primary years through to the upper primary years and thereby facilitating a whole school approach.

The 2015 report, “High Performing Primary Schools: What do they have in common?” noted key characteristics included the use of explicit teaching strategies for teaching phonological awareness and phonics. PLD programs were commonly used in the schools investigated. Professor Louden found that high-performing schools used explicit teaching strategies for teaching phonological awareness and phonics through a Structured Synthetic Phonics (SSP) program.

Private: CCread

Teach a Child to Read in 3 steps

Targeting alphabet sounds, phonemic blending and CVC decoding

Private: CCspell

Teach a Child to Spell in 3 Steps

Targeting alphabet sounds, phonemic segmentation and CVC spelling

Private: BAL

Alphabet Letter Sounds

An instruction manual (with games and worksheets) targeting letter sounds and letter formation for 4 to 6 year olds.

Private: BCVC

CVC Words Reading, Spelling and Writing Tasks

Worksheet tasks and colour phonemic awareness cards.

Teach a Child to Read in 3 steps
Private: CCread
Teach a Child to Spell in 3 Steps
Private: CCspell
Alphabet Letter Sounds
Private: BAL
CVC Words Reading, Spelling and Writing Tasks
Private: BCVC

Pre-CVC Entry to Year 1 & 2 Classes Pack

$280.52 (inc. $20.08 GST)
Code: EY12LE
Year Level: Year 1 & 2

PLD has created a ‘Year 1 Entry Starter Pack’ with resources specifically for teaching Year 1 and Year 2 students who enter with very low literacy skills. This bundle of programs aims to explicitly and systematically target pre-cvc skills, so that students can commence on PLD’s Stage 1.

When students enter Year 1 or even Year 2 with very low literacy skills it can be very confronting for teachers. While some students can be assigned CVC (or Stage 1 Target 1) reading, spelling and writing tasks, for a proportion of students this will not be appropriate as pre-literacy skills require instruction.

In order to progress into and through Stage 1 Target 1, students must have mastered the following:

  • The phonemic awareness skill of blending three phonemes, which is a prerequisite skill of decoding
  • The phonemic awareness skill of segmentation, which is a prerequisite skill of spelling
  • Alphabet sound recall

PLD has created a Year 1 Entry Starter Pack with resources specifically for this purpose, including:


Related Entry Programs for Low Literacy Skills 


Essential Resources Year 1 & 2

PLD titles are based on international research, independently assessed by third parties and constantly updated as new research becomes available. PLD’s evidence-based programs are available in Starter Packs. Each Starter Pack contains a 15% discount. These recommended programs are essential to the successful implementation of the ‘Teaching Sequences’ outlined in the Year 1 & 2 Teaching Sequence Manual.


About PLD Literacy

PLD provides an Australian, evidence-based approach to Structured Synthetic Phonics (SSP) for primary school educators. Aligned with the Science of Reading, PLD’s SSP approach extends from the junior primary years through to the upper primary years and thereby facilitating a whole school approach.

The 2015 report, “High Performing Primary Schools: What do they have in common?” noted key characteristics included the use of explicit teaching strategies for teaching phonological awareness and phonics. PLD programs were commonly used in the schools investigated. Professor Louden found that high-performing schools used explicit teaching strategies for teaching phonological awareness and phonics through a Structured Synthetic Phonics (SSP) program.

Private: CCread

Teach a Child to Read in 3 steps

Targeting alphabet sounds, phonemic blending and CVC decoding