Recommended picture books to read to 9, 10, 11 & 12 year olds

Year Level: Years 3 to 6

A recommended reading book list that promotes the development of oral language skills in children aged 9-12 years old.

The books in this guide outline quality age-appropriate recommendations only and do not align with specific PLD programs. The lists have been created by speech pathologists with the aim of promoting the development of oral language skills. If you are seeking a list of picture books related to a specific PLD program, we recommended that you purchase the PLD program to access the picture books referenced in the program.

You can quickly access the recommended picture book lists for the other age ranges below.

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  • PLD’s Whole School Literacy Plan

    The document outlines how to implement PLD’s literacy, Movement and Motor and Oral Language resources during the Early Years, Foundation, Year 1 & 2 and across Years 3 to 6. Each page provides suggested time frames and implementation recommendations.

    The purpose of this document is to provide an implementation outline to assist schools in scheduling the PLD programs within a broad school-based strategy. When

  • Placeholder
    Private: Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Language & Literacy Developmental Milestones

    A booklet that provides an overview of Oral Language and literacy milestones for children in Years 3 to 6 (Middle to Upper Primary – 8 to 12 year olds). Tips for home and causes for concern are also outlined. The booklet can be photocopied back to back and then folded in half to provide a compact reference.

    Students in middle to upper primary should be independent and creative problem solvers. As students reach the middle primary, developed language skills are critical for

  • A Whole School Approach to Developing Narrative Skills

    An information sheet outlining a step by step, whole school approach to developing narrative skills using PLD’s programs.

    Research focused on narrative ability has repeatedly reported a correlation between literacy and academic achievement. Narrative training programs have also been shown to produce positive

  • Speech and Language Development Milestones – 8 years old

    This milestone poster/sheet details the speech and language developmental milestones for children from 8 years of age.

    Designed by speech and language pathologists, the speech and language milestone sheets provide a list of typical milestones that should be attained by specific ages.

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    Generating Narratives – Set 1 is designed for Year 1 through to Year 6 students and supports the generation of oral and written narratives. Through picture sequences, this teacher resource contains 10 storylines and 30 x A4 picture cards which illustrate the structure of narratives. For example, each storyline consists of an introduction picture, a picture of a problem (or complication) and a picture of how the characters are feeling. This pack contains the following story themes in A4 narrative structure card format: Scarecrow Pet Dog On The Loose Surprise Hatch Late For School Car Accident Flooded Town Escape Rabbit Campsite Danger Bolting Horse Baby Bird Falling The picture sets illustrate the core initial components of narratives (i.e. introductions, problems and character’s thoughts and feelings.) The card sets have been designed to support student’s understanding of narratives and to assist students in the process of generating the content of narratives. The card sets provide multiple opportunities for students to rehearse narrative composition in a supported and structured manner.   This product is mentioned in the Year 1 & 2 Teaching Sequence Manual on page 20.   Related Program: Generating Narratives – Set 2  

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  • Generating Narratives – Set 2

    A resource for helping children to start expressing themselves verbally and in writing through the use of multiple picture prompts.

    Generating Narratives – Set 1 is designed for Year 1 through to Year 6 students and supports the generation of oral and written narratives. Through picture sequences, this teacher resource contains 10 storylines and 30 x A4 picture cards which illustrate the structure of narratives. For example, each storyline consists of an introduction picture, a picture of a problem (or complication) and a picture of how the characters are feeling. This pack contains the following story themes in A4 narrative structure card format: Scarecrow Pet Dog On The Loose Surprise Hatch Late For School Car Accident Flooded Town Escape Rabbit Campsite Danger Bolting Horse Baby Bird Falling The picture sets illustrate the core initial components of narratives (i.e. introductions, problems and character’s thoughts and feelings.) The card sets have been designed to support student’s understanding of narratives and to assist students in the process of generating the content of narratives. The card sets provide multiple opportunities for students to rehearse narrative composition in a supported and structured manner.   This product is mentioned in the Year 1 & 2 Teaching Sequence Manual on page 20.   Related Program: Generating Narratives – Set 2  

    From $35.00$35.00 incl. GST