Year 1 & 2 Home Learning with PLD

In preparation for the likely closure of schools, we have created suggestions that are easy to implement at home or in school. These suggestions draw upon PLD titles that are likely already in schools. If schools do not have the recommended texts, then the below three-week plans, which includes parent information videos, downloads and handouts, has been provided as a starting point.
These guides can be used in full or relevant tasks can be selected from and collated. If you have any questions read our post ‘Unsure where to start?’ HERE.
Key skills for parents to work on at home:
Literacy Activities
- Activity 1 โ Phonic passage reading and phonic passage rewriting. Download the phonic dictation passages for Stage 1 HERE and Stage 2 HERE. These activities vary from 10 – 20 minutes per day.
- Activity 2 โ Daily generation of news stories. Download the news resources HERE. These activities should take 10 – 20 minutes per day.
- Activity 3 โ Weekly narrative story writing with picture prompts. Download the narrative resources HERE. These activities should take 10 – 20 minutes per day.
- Activity 4 – Phonic-based daily spelling activities. These activities should take 15 – 20 minutes per day. Download the Structured Synthetic Phonics Time-Savers for Stage 1 HERE and Stage 2 HERE.
Oral Language Activities
- Activity 1 โ Ten-minute language games. Download the games HERE. These activities should take 10 – 15 minutes per day.
- Activity 2 โ Picture book reading and comprehension questions. Read the book out loud together while asking the downloadable questions cards. This should take 15 – 20 minutes per day.
These activities have been compiled into a downloadable summary of allocated time. Click here to download the summary of allocated time for Year 1 & 2.
Activity 1: Phonic passage reading and phonic passage rewriting
These phonic dictation tasks require minimal printing and present a phonic-based reading, writing and editing process that can be relatively easily communicated. Three levels of phonic passages have been included for Year 1 and 2. If these passages are not appropriate for your child, browse the phonic passages listed in the other year levels. A weekly routine is proposed below:
Monday: Read the allocated passage and time the reading. Task 2: A simple comprehension task, in which students illustrate (and label) as many elements in the passage as is possible.
Tuesday: Read the allocated passage and time the reading. Task 3: Copying and handwriting practice, by copying the passage.
Wednesday: Read the allocated passage and time the reading. Task 4: Editing practise by identifying and correcting the errors within the passage.
Thursday: Read the allocated passage and time the reading. Task 5: First attempt at the rewriting of the passage in the context of dictation.
Friday: Read the allocated passage and time the reading. Task 5: Second attempt at the rewriting of the passage in the context of dictation.
PLD suggests that parents and/or caregivers mark the work as the child completes each task. Upon the reopening of schools, students will be presented again with the placement test to determine phonic based skills and the assignment of levels.
For further Stage 1 phonic reading and writing tasks and to extend the program beyond 3 weeks look at Phonic Dictation – Stage 1 eBook. Click HERE or on the images below to download 18 pages of Phonic Dictation tasks for Year 1.
Click HERE or on the images below to download 18 pages of Phonic Dictation tasks for Year 2. For further Stage 2 phonic reading and writing tasks and to extend the program beyond 3 weeks look at Phonic Dictation – Stage 2 eBook.
Activity 2 – Daily generation of news stories
The pack contains a Junior Primary event-based news poster, a written event-based news template, story narrative poster, rewriting the beginning, problem and first event from a familiar picture book template and rewriting almost a full narrative from a familiar picture book template. Click HERE or on the images below to download the narrative and news story resources. For further writing tasks and to extend the program beyond 3 weeks have a look at Connecting Oral and Written Language – Step 1 eBook.
Activity 3 – Weekly narrative story writing with picture prompts
The activities include Car Breakdown (Introduction, Problem, Character Feelings and Thoughts) and Leaky Boat (Introduction, Problem, Character Feelings and Thoughts). Click HERE or on the images below to download the resources. For further picture prompts and to extend the program of work take a look at Generating Narratives – Set 2 eBook.
Activity 4 – Phonic-based daily spelling activities
These activities should take 15 – 20 minutes per day. Parents and caregivers, watch this video and this video to find out more about how children should be completing their spelling tasks in a way that links their ‘sounding-out’ skills with their phonic knowledge. For information on how you students can complete the weekly spelling tasks which is the final black and white page, read our blog: How to use Elkonin Boxes as part of an SSP program.
For further Stage 1 spelling tasks and to extend the program beyond 3 weeks look at Structured Synthetic Phonics – Stage 1 & 2 eBook. Click HERE or on the images below to download 5 pages of tasks for Year 1.
For further Stage 2 spelling tasks and to extend the program beyond 3 weeks look at Structured Synthetic Phonics – Stage 1 & 2 eBook. Click HERE or on the images below to download 5 pages of tasks for Year 2.
Activity 1 – Ten-minute oral language games
Parents and caregivers, watch this video to find out more about the benefits of oral language games and how you can discuss the various occupations in the resources. Click HERE or on the image(s) below to download the poster and activity cards. For further oral language cards and tasks that extend beyond this three-week program take a look at 10 Minute Language Games – Set 2 eBook.
Activity 2 โ Picture book reading and comprehension questions
Parents and caregivers are encouraged to watch the comprehension for oral language video HERE to help understand the process. PLD recommends the following titles, which you may already have, if not we suggest watching the below read aloud links/videos. The three titles in this activity are: Edward the Emu by Sheena Knowles, Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems and Alexander’s Outing by Pamela Allen.
Children learn best when picture books are read and re-read. Read one of the above picture books to your child every day over a week and include a different set of questions with each reading. PLD recommends that you download the below oral language activities that provide 4 days of questions along with adequate and inadequate responses to accompany each book. For further picture book comprehension question cards and to extend the program beyond 3 weeks take a look at Comprehension Questions for 6-7 year Olds eBook. Click HERE or on the images below to download the age-appropriate adequate and inadequate response cards.
The PLD eBooks and apps are great additional support for parents. The eBooks contain high-quality activities to use with your children. The Apps are self-guided practice for use independently in the home. Please see below for our suggested titles for Semester one.