Oral language posters – Early Years

Oral Language Posters – Early Years

Year Level: Early Years

Downloadable Early Years Posters for Your Classroom.

Included in this oral language poster pack are:
  • Object Description Poster – Greeting. What? Colour? Size? Shape? Parts? Thank you
  • Three-Step Activity Recounts Poster – Who? What? Where?
  • Event Recount Poster – When? Make/Going to make? Made/Did? Going to use?/Will use? Used? I… Then… And then …
  • Picture Book Recounting Poster – Beginning When? Who? What? Where? Events 1st event, 2nd event, 3rd event. Endings

For how to implement these posters in your Early Years classroom, refer to the Early Years Teaching Sequence Manual.


Download the Oral Language Posters for Other Year Levels:


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