Recommended Picture Books to Read to 4 Year Olds

Year Level: Early Years

A recommended reading book list that promotes the development of oral language skills in children aged 4 years old.

The books in this guide outline quality age-appropriate recommendations only and do not align with specific PLD programs. The lists have been created by speech pathologists with the aim of promoting the development of oral language skills. If you are seeking a list of picture books related to a specific PLD program, we recommended that you purchase the PLD program to access the picture books referenced in the program.

You can quickly access the recommended picture book lists for the other age ranges below.

  • Early Years Parent Education Sheets and Downloads – Semester 1

    This booklet outlines key information to be provided to parents, caregivers and the wider community within semester one. Children benefit when home and school work together. To support this, PLD offers an extensive range of parent milestone information sheets and videos. These resources are ideal to be disseminated to parents and the wider community through […]

    This booklet outlines key information to be provided to parents, caregivers and the wider community within semester one. Children benefit when home and school work

  • Recommended picture books to read to 6, 7 & 8 year olds

    A recommended reading book list that promotes the development of oral language skills in children aged 6-8 years old.

    The books in this guide outline quality age-appropriate recommendations only and do not align with specific PLD programs. The lists have been created by speech

  • Recommended picture books to read to 5 year olds

    A recommended reading book list that promotes the development of oral language skills in children aged 5 years old.

    The books in this guide outline quality age-appropriate recommendations only and do not align with specific PLD programs. The lists have been created by speech

  • Private: Early Years Language, Literacy & Motor Developmental Milestones

    A booklet that provides an overview of Oral Language, Literacy and Motor for children in the early years (3 and 4 year olds). Tips for home and causes for concern are also outlined. The booklet can be photocopied back to back and then folded in half to provide a compact reference.

    Three and four year olds approach the world with great curiosity and a desire to explore. As a result, this age range is considered to

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  • Semantic Scenes and Questioning – Set 1

    A school-based or home-based program designed to equip teachers and parents of 3-4 year old children with activities that will develop semantic knowledge.

    Semantic Scenes and Questioning – Set 1 is designed to equip teachers and parents of 3-4 year old children with activities that will develop semantic knowledge. A good grasp of semantics broadens a child’s understanding of the meaning of words, which then helps them to understand what they hear or read and also helps them to express exactly what they want to say. A child who is struggling with semantics will be the child who: Can’t stay on the topic of simple story or news telling, but goes off on unrelated tangents. Takes a long time to think of particular words they want to use in conversation. Uses non specific vocabulary such as ‘that’ ‘there’ ‘this one’. Has difficulty sorting items into groups, describing them, and finding differences and similarities. Has difficulty understanding instructions that include time vocabulary such as ‘before’ ‘after’ ‘first’ etc. ‘Semantics’ refers to the meaning of sentences and words and how words relate to one another. That is, whether words belong in groups or categories together (e.g. Apples and oranges and pears are all fruit), whether they are similar to each other, or different and the features they have e.g. Size, shape and colour. Another way to think of semantics is like a network or web. Each word we speak or read has a place in this web. Each word has other words linked to it, some closely related and some distantly related. Each word belongs to several groups, some big and some small and each word has a definition that sets it apart from other words that are similar. Some words are related by the fact that they are actually opposites! All this information surrounding words is what we aim to teach young children about the vocabulary that is appropriate to their stage of development and life experience. Semantics is one facet of oral language. Given that oral language is not only a strong predictor of academic and social success but also a necessary requirement for good mental health, it is important that parents and teachers have the skills and resources needed to facilitate the development of oral language in young children. The aim of this program is to train parents and teachers to structure and facilitate developmentally appropriate semantic activities for 3 to 4 year old children. This program provides: Semantic activities and accompanying picture resources. Examples of appropriate and inadequate responses for 3-4 year old children. Techniques and strategies to implement when a child provides an inadequate answer. Features: Colour thematic picture scenes include the zoo, transport, at home, food, school, toys, Australian animals, clothes, under the sea and birthday party. Specific semantic questioning is outlined for each picture scene. Examples of appropriate and inadequate responses for 3-4 year old children. Techniques and strategies are outlined when a child provides an inadequate answer. This product is mentioned in the Early Years Teaching Sequence Manual on page 9. The programs within the range include: Semantic Scenes and Questioning – Set 1 Semantic Scenes and Questioning – Set 2

    From $65.00$65.00 incl. GST
  • Comprehension Questions for 4 Year Olds

    A home or school picture book program for 4 Year Old students.ย 

    Comprehension Questions for 4 Year Olds is a home or school resource designed to support oral language development in young children. From a young age, children should be verbal, actively engage in social interactions and understand simple, literal questions about their surroundings. By age 4, children begin answering more complex questions, requiring them to identify less obvious attributes, make predictions and sequence information. This program, developed by speech pathologists, supports the development of these foundational comprehension skills using engaging picture books to ask age-appropriate questions and assess oral responses. Oral language skills are critical for social interaction and academic success. Program Includes: Picture Book Recommendations: List of developmentally appropriate Picture Book recommendations, such as 'Piranhas Don't Eat Bananas' and 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. 41 Question Cards for Repeated Reading Sessions: Develop blending skills through engaging visuals. Each card contains sample questions (over four days) and model answers based on each recommended picture book. Questions focus on Blank Level 2 and 3 skills, such as 'What is this part used for?' or 'How did you feel?' Instruction Booklet: Guidance for presenting in group, class or home settings. Strategies for Success: Techniques for responding to inadequate answers. Progress Check: Two assessments to monitor comprehension skill development. Other Programs within the Range: Comprehension Questions for 3 Year Old (Mc3) Parent Training Video: 3 Year Olds Comprehension Questions for 4 Year Old (Mc4) Parent Training Video: 4 Year Olds Comprehension Questions for 5 Year Old (Mc5) Parent Training Video: 5 Year Olds Comprehension Questions for 6 and 7 Year Old (Mc6) Parent Training Video: 6 and 7 Year Olds Comprehension Questions for 8 and 9 Year Old (Mc8) Parent Training Video: 8 and 9 Year Olds The full set of Comprehension Questions Range (Mc3/4/5/6/8) Links to the Teaching Sequence Manuals: This product can be used to support the implementation of the Early Years Teaching Sequence Manual on Page 5

    From $65.00$65.00 incl. GST
  • Comprehension Questions for 3 Year Olds

    A home or school picture book program for 3 year olds.ย 

    Comprehension Questions for 3 Year Olds is a home or school resource designed to support oral language development in young children. By age 3, children should be verbal, actively engage in social interactions and understand simple, literal questions about their surroundings. This program, developed by speech pathologists, supports the development of these foundational comprehension skills using engaging picture books to ask age-appropriate questions and assess oral responses. Oral language skills are critical for social interaction and academic success. Program Includes: Picture Book Recommendations: List of developmentally appropriate Picture Book recommendations, such as 'Spot Can Count', 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. 35 Question Cards for Repeated Reading Sessions: Develop blending skills through engaging visuals. Each card contains sample questions (over four days) and model answers based on each recommended picture book. Questions focus on Blank Level 1 and 2 skills, such as 'What is it?' or 'What colour is it?' Instruction Booklet: Guidance for presenting in group, class or home settings. Strategies for Success: Techniques for responding to inadequate answers. Progress Check: Two assessments to monitor comprehension skill development. Other Programs within the Range: Comprehension Questions for 3 Year Old (Mc3) Parent Training Video: 3 Year Olds Comprehension Questions for 4 Year Old (Mc4) Parent Training Video: 4 Year Olds Comprehension Questions for 5 Year Old (Mc5) Parent Training Video: 5 Year Olds Comprehension Questions for 6 and 7 Year Old (Mc6) Parent Training Video: 6 and 7 Year Olds Comprehension Questions for 8 and 9 Year Old (Mc8) Parent Training Video: 8 and 9 Year Olds The full set of Comprehension Questions Range (Mc3/4/5/6/8) Links to the Teaching Sequence Manuals: This product can be used to support the implementation of the Early Years Teaching Sequence Manual on Page 5

    From $65.00$65.00 incl. GST
  • 10 Minute Language Games – Set 1

    Developing vocabulary and the ability to speak in sentences.

    Introduction to the Program This program is designed to provide quick, engaging activities that foster oral language development in young learners. Each game takes just 10 minutes, making it easy to incorporate into daily routines or classroom sessions. The Program Includes: 6 themes, each with 3 different language games Naming and speaking in single words Sorting and speaking in short sentences Describing and connecting several sentences together Vocabulary focused on real-life categories relevant to children Food Things you wear Farm animals Things that take you places Toys Around the home Activities tailored to 3-5 year old language development stages Other Programs within the Range: 10 Minute Language Games – Set 1 10 Minute Language Games – Set 2 Links to the Teaching Sequence Manuals This product is mentioned in the Early Years Teaching Sequence Manual

    From $65.00$65.00 incl. GST