Private: SP2

Synthetic Phonics Flip Book – Stage 1 and 2

$75.00 (inc. $6.82 GST)
Code: Sp2
Year Level: Year 1 & 2
Developing the relationship between letters, sounds and phonics.

This handy Synthetic Phonics Flip Book for Stage 2 resource is intended to provide important synthetic phonic concepts in a practical format which will assist when teaching the whole class or small groups of students. Synthetic phonics is a way of teaching children to read and spell. It has been identified as the most successful approach to establishing early literacy skills. The ‘synthetic’ component relates to the ‘synthesising’ or blending of phonemes (or individual speech sounds) and the ‘phonic’ component relates to written symbols (graphemes) being linked to the individual speech sounds (phonemes).

In order to learn how to read, a child links letters to speech sounds and then blends them together to form words. When learning to spell a child separates or segments a word into the individual speech sounds within the word while linking the sounds to letters.


  • Designed by speech pathologists for use in schools.
  • The flip book is based upon PLD’s ‘structured synthetic phonics’ (SSP) approach.
  • Consolidates Stage 1 concepts, before presenting stage 2 phonic sounds.
  • A range of reading and spelling words are provided for each alphabet and phonic sound.
  • Students associate a picture and keywords with each phonic concept.
  • An effective and engaging way to develop early phonic concepts.

The Flip Book contains the following levels:

  • Set 1 (Stage 1 Revision) – ck, sh, th, ch, wh, ee, oo, ing
  • Set 2 (Stage 1 Revision) – ai, er, or, oi, ar, ay, oy, all
  • Set 3 (Stage 2) – i-e, a-e, o-e, e-e, u-e
  • Set 4 (Stage 2) – aw, oe, ew, ou, ow, ir, ea, y, oa, ue, ie, ur
  • Set 5 (Tricky Graphemes) – qu, x

This resource is part of the Synthetic Phonics Flip Book range, view the other levels below:

This publication is mentioned within the Year 1 & 2 Teaching Sequence Manual on pages 13 – 16.

Generous discounts apply for bulk orders

  • 5 to 9 copies – 15% discount applies
  • 10+ copies – 20% discount applies

Private: SP2

Synthetic Phonics Flip Book – Stage 1 and 2 - eBook

$60.00 (inc. $5.45 GST)
Code: Sp2e
Year Level: Year 1 & 2

eBooks are solely for use by a single individual user. e.g. An individual classroom teacher. Learn more.

Developing the relationship between letters, sounds and phonics.

This handy Synthetic Phonics Flip Book for Stage 2 resource is intended to provide important synthetic phonic concepts in a practical format which will assist when teaching the whole class or small groups of students. Synthetic phonics is a way of teaching children to read and spell. It has been identified as the most successful approach to establishing early literacy skills. The ‘synthetic’ component relates to the ‘synthesising’ or blending of phonemes (or individual speech sounds) and the ‘phonic’ component relates to written symbols (graphemes) being linked to the individual speech sounds (phonemes).

In order to learn how to read, a child links letters to speech sounds and then blends them together to form words. When learning to spell a child separates or segments a word into the individual speech sounds within the word while linking the sounds to letters.


  • Designed by speech pathologists for use in schools.
  • The flip book is based upon PLD’s ‘structured synthetic phonics’ (SSP) approach.
  • Consolidates Stage 1 concepts, before presenting stage 2 phonic sounds.
  • A range of reading and spelling words are provided for each alphabet and phonic sound.
  • Students associate a picture and keywords with each phonic concept.
  • An effective and engaging way to develop early phonic concepts.

The Flip Book contains the following levels:

  • Set 1 (Stage 1 Revision) – ck, sh, th, ch, wh, ee, oo, ing
  • Set 2 (Stage 1 Revision) – ai, er, or, oi, ar, ay, oy, all
  • Set 3 (Stage 2) – i-e, a-e, o-e, e-e, u-e
  • Set 4 (Stage 2) – aw, oe, ew, ou, ow, ir, ea, y, oa, ue, ie, ur
  • Set 5 (Tricky Graphemes) – qu, x

This resource is part of the Synthetic Phonics Flip Book range, view the other levels below:

This publication is mentioned within the Year 1 & 2 Teaching Sequence Manual on pages 13 – 16.

eBooks are solely for use by a single individual user. e.g. An individual classroom teacher. Australian Copyright laws prohibit illegal distribution, storage or sharing of this eBook. Usage is tracked and breaches may result in prosecution. Learn more.

If you would like to provide multiple users with access to this resource we suggest selecting the 'Whole School Access' tab at the top of the screen to purchase a School Licence. Learn more.

Private: SP2

Synthetic Phonics Flip Book – Stage 1 and 2 – School Licence


This product is currently not available as a School Licence.

A School Licence is a multi-user subscription to a PLD resource, such as a book or program, in a digital and printable format that is available on all devices.

A School Licence is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase and can be used by an unlimited number of teachers within a school.

To read more about school licencing and to view the full range of licenced publications select PLD School Licences

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ISBN : 9 781925 057997
ISBN : 9 781925 057997
  • Year 1 & 2 Assessment Schedule

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