2023 Seminar Flyer Australia-wide

2023 Seminar Dates

Year Level:

Implementing PLD in Early Years The Early Years are a period of huge potential learning which are optimised when an โ€˜early childhood’ approach is balanced with some explicit instruction. This seminar explores what research explains are the most essential pre-literacy skills for 3 & 4-year-olds; phonemic awareness, alphabet knowledge and oral language ability (i.e. vocabulary and the ability to speak in grammatically correct lengthy sentences).


Implementing PLD in Foundation This seminar explores how children typically read 1st, spell 2nd and write 3rd. The seminar also highlights the pre-literacy skills that facilitate childrenโ€™s ability to acquire early literacy skills. The Foundation school year is a complicated year level to teach. Students can achieve in this crucial year if educators are knowledgeable of the process. A proportion of the school year must be allocated to pre-literacy skill development and a proportion of the year must be allocated to the emergence of early reading, spelling and writing.


Implementing PLD in Year 1 & 2ย This seminar explains and demonstrates explicit synthetic phonics instruction and how focused instruction can be delivered to a class with a range in student ability. Repeated reading and phonic dictation are presented as mediums of facilitating the transfer of the โ€˜word attackโ€™ skills into writing. This seminar will also outline time-efficient decoding and spelling assessments designed to identify the range in ability so teachers can be more focused in their instruction.


Implementing PLD in Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 By middle and upper primary students typically present with a diverse range in ability. Some students still require a synthetic phonics approach while others will have progressed beyond this and require increased instruction on word meaning and opportunities to transfer their complex words into writing. A non-standardised spelling placement test is provided so the specific range in student ability can be determined. The focus of the seminar is how to allocate a proportion of the literacy block to the explicit instruction of spelling โ€˜word attackโ€™ skills.


View our upcoming SPELD, interstate and Network Teach seminars HERE.

Prefer the convenience of learning online? View PLD’s Online Courses.ย 

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