Implementing PLD in Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Seminar

Year Level: Years 3 to 6
By middle and upper primary, students typically present with a diverse range in ability.

What to teach? When to screen? How to cater for the range in ability?

This one-day Literacy and Learning, seminar designed for Years 3, 4, 5, & 6, outlines evidence-based structured synthetic phonics (SSP) teaching and student tracking. Despite the range in ability within each middle and upper primary class, the targeted SSP teaching aims to cater for the literacy outcomes of all students in middle and upper primary students. This seminar provides a scope and sequence that is practical, realistic and time-efficient to implement and will cater for advanced, average and delayed students.

Recommended for staff working within Years 3, 4, 5, & 6, this seminar explores:

  • A non-standardised spelling placement test in order to determine the specific range within the class.
  • How to allocate a proportion of the literacy block to the explicit instruction of spelling and decoding ‘word attack’ skills and also how to facilitate the transference of these spelling words (and ever-increasing sophisticated vocabulary concepts) into writing.
  • A synthetic phonics approach for the students operating at a junior primary level.
  • For the stronger students, a phonic-based approach that focuses upon word meanings and opportunities to transfer concepts into writing.
  • Oral language instruction and how to facilitate students’ ability to speak in complex grammatically correct sentences.
  • As narrative programs have been associated with increasing comprehension and written expression ability, narrative retelling and narrative generation processes are also outlined.



Perth Training Room Seminars:  


Regonial WA:


Nationwide Online Seminar Dates:
Exactly the same as the training room seminar delivered online.


Seminars in Adelaide (SA) Through SPELD SA:

2024 Seminars

  • Term 1: Implementing PLD in Year 3, 4, 5 & 6: Tuesday 19th March 2024
  • Term 2: Implementing PLD in Year 3, 4, 5 & 6: Tuesday 21st May 2024

  • Term 3: Implementing PLD in Year 3, 4, 5 & 6:  Tuesday 6th August 2024

Registrations through SPELD SA’s website.

Click here to book the Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 SPELD SA Seminar


Queensland Training Room Seminars in:

Term 3:  Friday 12 July 2024

Term 2:  Friday 19 April 2024

Gold Coast:
Term 1:  Tuesday 5 March 2024
Term 2:  Tuesday 28 May 2024
Term 3:  Tuesday 20 August 2024

Term 2:  Tuesday 11 June 2024

Mt Isa: 

Term 3: Tuesday 27th August 2024

Term 1: Monday 11 March 2024

Term 4:  Tuesday 17 October 2023
Term 4:  Friday 18 October 2024

Sunshine Coast:
Term 1:  Monday 5 February 2024
Term 2:  Tuesday 30 April 2024
Term 3:  Thursday 25 July 2024

Term 1:  Monday 19 February 2024
Term 2:  Monday 13 May 2024
Term 3:  Monday 5 August 2024

Term 4:  Friday 6 October 2023
Term 1:  Friday 16 February 2024
Term 4:  Friday 4 October 2024


Seminars in Brisbane Available Through SPELD QLD:

Registrations through SPELD QLD’s website.

Click here to book the Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 SPELD QLD Seminar


New South Wales Training Room Seminars:


To view seminars for:


To view all seminar dates, download the Seminar Flyer here: