Developing News Telling and Narrative Skills for 5 Year Olds (Variable Subscription)

$65.00/ year (inc. $5.91 GST)
Code: Mn5vs
Year Level: School Licences, Year 1 & 2

Select your school size

Extra small

(<49 students)


(50-149 students)


(150-349 students)


(350+ students)

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This is a PLD Whole School Licence resource.

By purchasing this licence, this program will be accessible as a digital flipbook that will be stored in your secure account on the PLD website. The program will be accessible as a digital flipbook that teachers can access on any device for as long as the licence is active. A School Licence is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase and can be shared with all staff employed at the school.

We highly recommend that either the Principal, Deputy Principal or a member of the admin team purchase the School Licence in order to manage the account and its users. For more information, visit our Whole School Licence FAQ.

Developing News Telling and Narrative Skills is an instruction manual with explicit details on how to develop show and tell, activity retells and news telling for 5 year olds

As children enter school as five-year-olds they continue to make the steps that move them from conversations to literate language. This can be a daunting step for all involved butย Developing News Telling and Narrative Skillsย is designed to make the journey easier. The strategies used in this book are linked to later developing narrative skills, just as pre-literacy skills are the foundation skills for spelling and reading development. It is critical that teachers and parents assist children in the development of language and narrative skills as they are a crucial component and predictor of later interpretative reading and writing success.

Developing News Telling and Narrative Skills attempts to break down news and early narrative skills into simple sequential steps for teachers and parents to follow with children. The program trains parents and teachers to identify where children need to develop and strengthen their skills and presents specific techniques and supports to do so. The program provides simple activities and visual cues that are designed to be incorporated into classroom and home environments utilising activities that occur every day.

The program provides:

  • assessment and monitoring procedures
  • planning and programming supports
  • visual supports and activity ideas
  • techniques and strategies to develop and accelerate language skills.

News telling is a challenge for students and teachers, however, practice is the key and the more students are exposed to the language associated with telling news the more their expressive language will improve.

The programs within the range include:


Early Years Programs:

Foundation Programs:

Year 1 & 2 Program:

Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Program

This resource is mentioned in theย Foundation Teaching Sequence Manualย on page 13.

Additional information

School Size

Extra small (<49 students), Small (50-149 students), Medium (150-349 students), Large (350+ students)