Ages and Stages of Literacy Development – Ages 3 – 12

Year Level: Early Years, Foundation, Year 1 & 2, Years 3 to 6

A fact sheet which identifies age related milestones for literacy development in children from 3 years of age. Included are decoding and spelling skill checklists for Stage 1 (or Year 1) through to Stage 5 (or Year 5).

Many parents wonder if their childโ€™s reading skills are developing at the normal rate. While there are individual differences, there is a general progression of skill development. It is recommended that if you child has not attained the skills outlined for his/her age, that a school-based meeting be scheduled. Following this, it is likely that a referral to a specialist (e.g. Speech and Language Pathologist) may be necessary to provide an in-depth check on your childโ€™s development. Research clearly states that the earlier intervention commences the better the outcomes for the child.


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