PLD’s School Licences; Whole School Access to High-Demand Programs
Rather than purchasing multiple copies of the same program, a Whole School Licence provides full school access to specific programs for an annual fee. First schools need to identify the high-demand programs required and then register and pay for the Whole School Licences using the steps outlined below.
The Whole School Licences can be accessed on any device (i.e. desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones) and are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. They are priced for small, medium and large-sized schools.
Benefits Costs of
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Licences How
to Purchase Copyright Terms of Use & FAQs

Purchasing a PLD Whole School Licence offers several advantages:
- Rather than purchasing multiple copies of the same high-demand programs, a School Licence provides the whole school staff access.
Digital Format:
- The licenced programs are provided in popular digital (or PDF formats). This enables pages to be printed, displayed on IWBs or screens and also used within PowerPoints (as long as Copyright terms of use are followed). Read more on this below.
Convenient and Accessible:
- Staff have access to a wide range of teaching resources and programs, regardless of their location or device.
- Resources are stored in one secure location, accessible via a login on the PLD website. This centralised storage eliminates the risk of books being lost, damaged or stolen.
- School Licences eliminate the need for staff borrowing programs.
Automatic Updates
- Schools NEVER need to update programs. The School Licences are always the most current version available.
The cost of a PLD Whole School Licence depends on the specific high-demand program(s) your school selects. Some School Licences are for individual programs, and others are for bundles (or a range of programs).
In addition, the cost of a School Licence depends on the size of your school. PLD’s Whole School Licence platform is tailored to the size of your school, based on the number of enrolled students. Licences are available in a range of options, from Extra Small (fewer than 49 students) to Large (350+ students). The sliding scale for purchasing options makes a PLD Whole School Licence a cost-effective solution for schools of any size.
As you follow the steps outlined in the ‘How to Purchase a School Licence’ section, the website will automatically generate a quote as you add items to your cart.
The most commonly purchased School Licences include the following:
Once schools have selected the high-demand programs required throughout the school, follow the steps outlined below.
Step 1
Click on the program (or bundle of programs) that you would like to purchase, and select the ‘Whole School Access’ tab. Select your school size and click ‘ADD TO CART’. (See image on the left and click to enlarge.)
Step 2
Click on the program (or bundle of programs) that you would like to purchase, and select the ‘Whole School Access’ tab. Select your school size and click ‘ADD TO CART’. (See image on the left and click to enlarge.)
Step 3
After completing your order, go to ‘My Account’ (top right corner) and select the ‘My Subscriptions’ tab to view all available licences.
Please note:
- If an invited user already has a PLD account, their existing account will automatically gain access to the subscription.
- Whole School Access is only for staff at the same school and cannot be shared with colleagues outside the school.
- Schools will manage the access of their staff to School Licences, sharing and revoking their access.
Resources for which a School Licence has been purchased are allowed to be shared with all employees who are employed by the ‘Authorised School’ (Authorised School refers to the school who purchased the School Licence). Sharing access with anyone not employed by the ‘Authorised School’ is a breach of Australian Copyright laws and may result in prosecution.
How PLD’s School Licence resources CAN be used
Under the ‘Statutory Educational Licence’ the Authorised School is permitted to:
- View the School Licence resource as a whole or in part.
- Display the School Licence on an Interactive Whiteboard, projector or smart TV.
- Print up to 10% of the School Licence resource per year.
- Copy and share text and images (e.g. snip a word or dictation passage for usage in a lesson plan or presentation), provided this is done solely for educational purposes and the Authorised Purchaser is covered by a ‘remuneration notice’ (learn more) and the new content is not shared with anyone outside the Authorised Purchaser’s classroom in any way.
How PLD’s School Licence resources CAN NOT be used
Under the ‘Statutory Education Licence’ the Authorised School is NOT permitted to:
- Modify PLD’s School Licence resource in any way, other than those mentioned above.
- Duplicate, copy, download or otherwise replicate the School Licence resource.
- Copy or print more than 10% of the School Licence resource within the period of 1 year.
- Incorporate any of PLD’s intellectual property into another resource without written approval from PLD.
- Save a replicated copy greater than 10% of the School Licence resource or elements of it (e.g. a PowerPoint presentation containing snipped elements) onto a shared drive, intranet, portal or other networked site.
- Share the School Licence resource with or provide access to the School Licence resource to someone who is not employed by the Authorised School.
Note: School Licence usage may be tracked and breaching any of the above-mentioned items may result in legal action being taken.
How do I add a teacher to a School Licence?
How do I remove a teacher from a School Licence?
How do I add a teacher to a School Licence?
How do I add a teacher to a School Licence?
How do I remove a teacher from a School Licence?
Can I store and/or save a School Licence?
Can I purchase a School Licence without a credit card?