School Leaders How to Support PLD’s Implementation

It is the role of the School Leader to support classroom teachers to properly implement programs that will help them achieve critical literacy skills. For this reason, PLD has specific programs and processes for both classroom teachers at a primary school level and for school leaders, to assist in a cohesive school-wide implementation.

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The Evidence Base for PLD

For our education standards to meet national and international benchmarks, schools need to invest in programs that are supported by research. This ensures schools are investing in what will produce results rather than just implementing what is a ‘fad’, visually appealing, or what has been done for years.

  • In 2022, a comparison of high-quality SSP programs that facilitate 
    Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 instruction were published in the Bulletin.
  • The 2015 Department of Education Western Australia study, conducted by Professor William Louden, selected nine top-performing schools based on their NAPLAN results and reviewed their processes. The report, “High Performing Primary Schools: What do they have in common?” , Page 20-21 of the report

  • Primary Reading Pledge: Five From Five, AUSPELD and Learning Difficulties Australia collaborated on an evidence-based framework for schools that aims to dramatically reduce the number of children who finish primary school unable to read. PLD was identified as one of the evidence-based SSP programs (on page 17 of the Primary Reading Pledge) and on page 25 of the updated Reading Pledge (2024).

  • In 2011, Speech Pathology Australia wrote a case study on the significant progress that was shown in a remote school, with students going from non-readers to readers very rapidly once. 
School Leader’s Guide to Implementing PLD

If the school is ready to raise the literacy outcomes of the students, PLD has the training, resources, and tools to fully support successful implementation. The role of a school leader is to be the champion of the implementation, making sure that everyone in the teaching community has the professional development for teaching their current year level, is equipped with the right resources is confident with the screening & tracking processes.

At each step, PLD provides school leaders with the tools and resources to ensure a cohesive and easily managed rollout. We’ve created an online course specifically for Principals, Deputy Principals, and Literacy Coordinators that takes leaders through the elements and benefits of the PLD Structured Synthetic Phonics (SSP) Program.

The online course will cover professional development requirements, program implementation, resource management, and most importantly screening and tracking. The 50-minute course provides school leaders with coaching tips to help support teaching staff with the implementation and rollout of PLD.

Request a Quote From the PLD Office

By completing the form below, schools new to PLD can request implementation costs for training and essential programs. A quote will be forwarded to the email supplied (typically within 48 hours). A 30-minute consult will follow to discuss and refine the quote to suit the school’s requirements.

Start Implementing PLD; The Recommended Process

PLD implementation can be launched at any stage within the school year. For implementation plans at any time within the school year, refer to the following:

Additionally, to Support Classroom Teachers we Offer:

  • Training – Every teacher needs to be prepared with appropriate professional development – at a minimum, we recommend taking the year-level specific online course.
  • Evidence-Based Programs – We provide a full range of literacy, oral language, and movement & motor programs, aligned with the downloadable Teaching Sequence Manuals, for purchase targeted by year level, written & created in Australia. This will clearly answer the question of what to teach, when to teach it and how to cater for the range in ability? within classes in a handy week-by-week, term-by-term sequence.
  • Screening & Tracking – Tracking student progress is an essential component of the PLD process. The screening and reporting process, at a classroom level, helps teachers identify the targeted teaching that each student requires. Refer to the year-level specific Screening & Tracking Manuals and download our ready-to-use Tracking Sheets.

Want to Explore our Easy Four-Step Process for Implementing PLD in Classrooms?

See our detailed year level guides: