Year 1 & 2 Screening & Tracking Manual

Year 1 & 2 Screening & Tracking Manual

Year Level: Year 1 & 2

The Year 1 & 2 Screening & Tracking Manual outlines step-by-step instructions including what and when to screen, the materials required, time allocations and discontinue rules.ย We recommended that the screens are administered following a solid period of repeated targeted instruction as outlined in the PLD Year 1 & 2 Teaching Sequence Manual. In this way, the screens function as a check-in on progress.

As a support to the Year 1 & 2 Screening & Tracking Manual, PLD has recently released Year 1 & 2 Tracking Sheets Videos which outline how to create the three targeted teaching groups.ย Keep in mind that it may be appropriate for schools to adapt the timing of the skills depending upon the demographics of the school community and the associated student entry levels to the school.

Download the Screening & Tracking Manuals for other year levels:

Download the Teaching Sequence Manuals:ย ย 

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