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This is a PDF version of Reading Real and Nonsense Words – Set 2: Phonic Concepts sh, ch, th, oo, ee and ck.
What are nonsense or pseudo words?
Pseudo words are nonsense words that have no meaning. These invented words are spelled in a regular or predictable way. For example, the word zop is a pseudo word and makes no sense. However, the word zop has predictable spelling and is pronounced in the same way as regular real words; the z as in zoo, the o as in orange and the p as in panda. The nonsense (or pseudo words) within this eBook are identified as being linked to funny or silly faces.
Why expose beginning readers to nonsense words?
As beginning readers have never encountered the nonsense words before, they are therefore unable to draw upon their experience (and visual memory). As nonsense words are typically presented in isolation, this means that no sentence context can be drawn upon. To read invented words beginning readers must draw upon their knowledge of how letters (and letter clusters) represent speech sounds. The advantage of presenting pseudo words is that they provide teachers with a means of determining if beginning readers can apply the phonic rules to real genuine words.
Research on nonsense words:
Decoding is established in the literature as a strong predictor of future success in reading. Nonsense words are an ideal way to determine how well the early stages of phonics instruction have been taught and also learned. For the above reasons, pseudo word reading is widely used in research as a measurement of decoding.
Set 2: Phonic Concepts sh, ch, th, oo, ee and ck features:
- Decoding is a strong predictor of future reading ability.
- Multiple lists of real and nonsense words.
- Fun and engaging task word sets to develop coding skills.
- Word lists presented contain the phonic concepts: sh,ch, th, oo, ee and ck.
Other eBooks in this series:
- Reading Real and Nonsense Words - Set 1: CVC Words
- Reading Real and Nonsense Words - Set 2: sh, ch, th, oo, ee Words
- Reading Real and Nonsense Words - Set 3: CCVC & CVCC Words
- Reading Real and Nonsense Words - Set 4: ar, or, er, ay, ai, oi, oy, ing, al(l) Words
- Reading Real and Nonsense Words – Set 1 - 4 (eBook Bundle)