Online Seminar: Implementing PLD in the Early Years Seminar

Year Level: Early Years
The PRE-KINDY AND KINDERGARTEN YEARS is a period of huge potential learning. These years are optimised when an ‘early childhood’ approach is balanced with explicit instruction.

What to teach? When to screen? How to cater for the range in ability?

This online seminar explains the implementation of PLD’s structured synthetic phonics programs (SSP) within the Early Years. It outlines PLD’s targeted teaching and the associated tracking and reporting of skill development. The implementation of this preventative program aims to set up young learners for success in their literacy acquisition.

The presentation is recommended for all educators working within Pre-Kindy and Kindergarten (WA). This full-day seminar for the Early Years outlines how ‘early childhood’ approaches can be balanced with the addition of PLD’s targeted explicit instruction.

The presentation outlines:

  • The evidence-base for Structured Synthetic Phonics.
  • Early-Years based pre-literacy skill teaching; phonemic awareness, alphabet knowledge and oral language (vocabulary and the ability to speak in grammatically correct sentences).
  • How can these skills be facilitated? Answer: 3-5 minute sessions presented several times in a day.
  • Screening: After 6 weeks of instruction, skill acquisition is reviewed by presenting a sub-test on the PLD Early Years Pre-Literacy Screen.
  • The tracking of progress will focus staff on the specific needs of all students within the class and also identify the children who require support.
  • Explanation of Early Years based motor, pre-writing pattern and letter formation teaching.
  • Short speech pathology-derived oral language targeted teaching which facilitates the ability to speak in grammatically correct sentences.
  • Researchers consistently advocate for early intervention and preventative programs in the Early Years.

The Early Years are one of the most significant periods for the development of oral language, motor and pre-literacy skills. This seminar outlines PLD’s implementation within these vitally important years of development.


Nationwide Online Full-Day Seminar Dates:
Exactly the same as the training room seminar delivered online.



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