Implementing PLD : Online Seminars
Year Level:
Implementing PLD in the Early Years
The PRE-KINDY AND KINDERGARTEN YEARS is a period of huge potential learning. These years are optimised when an ‘early childhood’ approach is balanced with explicit instruction.
This online seminar explains the implementation of PLD’s structured synthetic phonics programs (SSP) within in Early Years. It outlines PLD’s targeted teaching and the associated tracking and reporting of skill development. The implementation of this preventative program aims to set up young learners for success in their literary acquisition.
The presentation is recommended for all educators working within Pre-Kindy and Kindergarten (WA). THis full-day seminar for the Early Years outlines how ‘early childhood’ approaches can be balanced with the addition of PLD”s targeted explicit instruction.
Click here for Early Years online seminar dates.
Implementing PLD in Foundation
The PRE-PRIMARY school year is an important and complicated year level to teach. Educators require evidence-based knowledge on the targeted teaching of pre-literacy and early literacy development.
The full-day online seminar provides educators working within the FOundation year with the knowledge and tools required to explicitly target pre-literacy and early literacy in a systematic fashion. This seminar explains the implementation of PLD’s structured synthetic phonics programs (SSP) within the Foundation year. It outlines PLD’s targeted teaching and the associated tracking and reporting of skill development. The implementation of this preventative program aims to set up young learners for success in their literacy acquisition.
Click here for Foundation online seminar dates.
Implementing PLD in Year 1 & 2
Researchers consistently report that the returns are greatest when students are first learning to read, spell and write. Year 1 and 2 is critical for long-term literacy success.
This full-day online seminar provides educators working within the Year 1 & 2 with the knowledge and tools required to explicitly taret early literacy in a systematic fashion. The seminar explains the implementation of PLD’s structured synthetic phonics programs (SSP) within Year 1 & 2. It outlines PLD’s targeted teaching and the associated tracking and reporting of skill development. The implementation of this preventative program aims to set up young learners for success in their literacy acquisition.
Click here for Year 1 & 2 online seminar dates.
Implementing PLD in Year 3, 4, 5, & 6
By middle and upper primary, students typically present with a diverse range in ability.
This one-day Literacy and Learning, seminar designed for Years 3, 4, 5 & 6, outlines evidence-based structured synthetic phonics (SSP) teaching and student tracking. Despite the range in ability within each middle and upper primary class, the targeted SSP teaching aims to cater for the literacy outcomes of all students in middle and upper primary students. This seminar provides a scope and sequence that is practical, realistic and time-efficient to implement and will cater for advanced, average and delayed students.
Click here for Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 online seminar dates.