Middle & Upper Primary Catch-Up Reading Books: Alba Series (Set 1)
$125.00 (inc. $11.36 GST)
Code: Alba1
Year Level: Year 1 & 2
In stock (can be backordered)
12 Decodable Reading Books for Students Requiring Stages 1 & Stage 2
This set of 12 titles is aligned with PLD’s Stage 1 and Stage 2. In the series, when someone threatens Alba’s father’s scientific work, Alba steps in to save the day.
Information on PLD’s Decodable Reading Book Sets from Phonic Books Limited
Decodable texts are an essential part of a SSP approach and have been proven to be an effective conduit between phonics and reading. Decodable texts support readers by presenting decodable words that correspond to the phonic concepts they are learning in class. In this way, students practise applying their phonic knowledge and blending skills, and typically develop strong reading accuracy.
For the majority of students, decodable reading books should typically be viewed as a short term resource (usually for the first 18 months) until students develop fluency and word attack skills. For a proportion of students, decodable reading material will need to continue to be provided beyond the junior primary
Regardless of the year level, all students being allocated decodable reading books should be screened each term using The Early Reading Screen. The reading placement test will direct the correct level of reading material and also check that reading progress is being made. The reading assessment is located within the Foundation, Year 1 & 2 and the Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Screening and Tracking Manuals.
Organising the PLD Decodable Reading Books Organisation labels have been designed to assist in the categorisation and storage of the book sets. The labels are available to download HERE.
Did You Know? All books in this set can be previewed online, by selecting the Preview Book button or by clicking on the thumbnail cover.
View PLD’s entire range of decodable reading books HERE
Download PLD’s Decodable Reading Book Catalogue HERE
PLD’s Other Catch-Up Reading Books from Phonic Books Limited:
Students Requiring Stages 1 Target 1, 2 & 3
- Moon Dogs Extras (CVC)
- Moon Dogs Series (Set 1 & 2) – Set 1 CVC | Set 2 CVC, CCVc, CVCC & sh, ch, th, ng, ck & qu
- That Dog Series (Set 1) – CVC, CVCC, CVCC, sh, ch, th, ck, qu, ng, qu, ing
- Magic Belt Series (Set 1) – CVC, CVCC, CVCC, sh, ch, th, ck, qu, ng, wh, ing
Students Requiring Stages 1 & Stage 2:
- Moon Dog Series (Set 3) – ai/ay, oi/oy, or/aw, ee/ea, oa/ow, ur/ir, oo/ue, ow/ou
- Totem Series (Set 1) – CCVCC, sh/ch/th, ck/ng/qu/wh, ay/ai/a-e/a, ea/ee/y/ye/e, er/ir/ur, ou/ow, etc
- Alba Series (Set 1) – CCVCC, sh/ch/th, ck/ng/qu/wh, ay/ai/a-e/a, ea/ee/y/ey/e, er/ir/ur, ou/ow, etc
Students Requiring Stages 1 & Stage 2:
- Dragon Eggs (Set 1): Stage 1 & Stage 2 phonics
- Rescue Series (Set 1) – ay/ai/a-e/ea/ey, ea/ee/y/e/ie/e-e/ei, ow/oa/oe/o-e/o, er/ir/ur/ear, ow/u/oi/oy
- Island Adventure Series (Set 1) – ay/ai/a-e/ea/ey, ea/ee/y/e/ie/e-e/ei, ow/oa/oe/o-e/o, er/ir/ur/or/ear
- Titan Gauntlets Series (Set 1) – f/ff/ph, ture, tion, cial/tial, sion, ge/g/j, l/ll/al/le
- Talisman Series (Set 1 & 2) – Set 1 – er,ir,ur,or/ear | Set 2 – ture, sion, dge
- Amber Guardians Series (Set 1) – with increased text and less images throughout the books
Articles in Support of Decodable Reading Books