Implementing PLD in the Early Years

Kindergarten (WA/QLD/SA/TAS), Preschool (NSW/ACT/NT/VIC)

The Early Years is a significant period in a child’s development. For best outcomes, play and child centred approaches need to be balanced with explicit targeted instruction. In the Early Years, PLD’s programs focus upon pre-literacy skills such as phonological awareness and the alphabet sounds, as well as fine and gross motor and oral language skill development.

Navigate to the relevant sections using the tabs below:

In the Classroom

PLD have created downloadable implementation manuals that will assist with a step-by-step, term-by-term process. The manuals outline the PLD’s Teaching and Screening & Tracking process.

  • Early Years Teaching Sequence Manual
  • Early Years Screening & Tracking Manual
  • Early Years Parent Education Sheets and Downloads - Semester 2
Professional Development for Early Years Teachers

Classroom teachers should begin by enrolling in professional development. Whether new to PLD this year, requiring a refresher (if the last training was 3+ years) or changing year levels we have listed out the options below.

If PLD Early Years professional development has been completed within the last three years, read the next section below.

Essential Resources for Effective Implementation

PLD’s titles are based on international research, independently assessed by third parties and constantly updated as new research becomes available. PLD’s evidence-based programs are available in Starter Packs. Each Starter Pack contains a 15% discount. These recommended programs are essential to the successful implementation of the ‘Teaching Sequences’ outlined in the Early Years Teaching Sequence Manual.

  • Essential Early Years Literacy Starter Pack
    Essential Early Years Literacy Starter Pack
  • Essential Early Years Oral Language Starter Pack
    Essential Early Years Oral Language Starter Pack
  • Ultimate Literacy & Oral Language Early Years PLD Starter Pack
    Ultimate Literacy & Oral Language Early Years PLD Starter Pack
  • Early Years Programs & Resources Price List
    Early Years Programs & Resources Price List

Unsure what PLD programs the school already has or are needed? Print off the PLD Program Audit Form. This form can be used to establish current titles in the school but also to identify essential titles required for each classroom.

Use the PLD Tracking Sheets in the Early Years

The downloadable PLD Tracking Sheets are central to PLD’s approach. The sheets link the Early Years Teaching Sequence Manual with the Early Years Screening & Tracking Manual. Through mid and end of term progress checks, children’s abilities are plotted onto the Tracking Sheets, creating three groups, which form the basis of the targeted teaching. This process enables the classroom teacher to report on skill development of the class and simultaneously to establish an implementation plan.

Get Ready to Use the PLD Tracking Sheets in a Classroom Setting

  • Register for and download the PLD Tracking Sheets HERE. Note: For whole-school implementation, this should already be completed by a school leader or admin

How to Screen & Track with PLD

1: Screen the Students in the Class

Within each term, conduct pre-literacy targeted teaching and screening. The screening reviews student phonological awareness and alphabet knowledge which will impact later reading and spelling development. Scores are entered into the Tracking Sheets.

2: Enter the results into the PLD Tracking Sheets

The results from each round of screening will need to be entered into the PLD Tracking Sheets. To assist with entering the data, refer to the Early Years Screening & Tracking Manual which comprehensively outlines PLD’s Screening & Tracking process. 

Using the Tracking Sheets effectively requires confidence with three key spreadsheet skills. If required, PLD have provided assistance with these functions in the training video below.

3: Cluster the Class into Three Targeted Teaching Groups

Rather than arranging students in alphabetical order, establish a targeted implementation plan in which high performing, average and delayed students are grouped together to create three teaching groups.

Early Years Implementation Checklist

This four-step process should enable Early Years teachers to implement effective Structured Synthetic Phonics (SSP) within their classes. This will contribute towards Early Years students achieving a positive start to their schooling.

If you have a question about implementing PLD or any of the steps listed above, please don’t hesitate to get in touch through our online chat in the bottom right corner of this screen. We are always happy to help.