The following links are provided by PLD. We’ve found them useful and hope you do, too. If you have any suggestions for Useful Links, please Contact Us for consideration of inclusion on this page.
Recommended Links relating to the following topics:
The Early Years and Early Intervention
- Reversing The Real Brain Drain: Early Years Study (1999)
- The Early Years Study: Three Years Later (2002)
- Catch them before they fall: identification and assessment to prevent reading failure in young children (1998) JK Torgeson
- The Linguistic Genius of Babies (Short Clip)
- A range of research from LD Online
- Baby Talk by Sally Ward (parenting guide for 0-5 years)
Key Area: Literacy (Pre-Literacy)
- Only NSW on the right track with phonological awareness in the early years
- Successful Phonological Awareness Instruction With Preschool Children: Lessons from the classroom
- A range of research from LD Online
- Speech Pathology Australia releases statistics on Australian literacy: childhood, adult and indigenous literacy
- PLD Tackles Indigenous literacy in the Pilbara – Rawa Community School
- Marilyn Jager Adams (2004) Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning About Print. MIT Press, Cambridge.
- Chall, J.(1989)Learning to Read: The Great Debate – 20 years later. A response to ‘Debunking the Great Phonics Myth. Phi Delta Kappan. March, 521-538
- Prevention of Reading Failure edited by Alan Watson and Anne Badenhop: Ashton Scholastic
- Pullen, P.C. & Justic, L.M. (2003) Enhancing Phonological Awareness, Print Awareness and Oral Language Skills in Preschool Children. Intervention in School and Clinic. 39(2), 87-98.
- Heath, S.M. & Hogben, J.H. (2004) Cost effective prediction of reading difficulties. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research. 47(4), 751-765.
- Gillon, G. (2004) Phonological Awareness: From Research to Practice. Guildford Press, New York.
- High performing primary schools: What do they have in common? William Louden, 24 June 2015
Key Area: Movement and Motor
- TINE_2012_preprint
- Written Language_Production Standards
- The influence of writing practice on letter recognition in preschool children: A comparison between handwriting and typing
- Early spelling acquisition Writing beats the compute
Key Area: Oral Language
- Millions of Australian’s have poor language skills – The Daily Telegraph – April 2010
- Unplug and Play: Heart Foundation National Campaign – useful parent information suggesting two hours maximum of screen time in a day
- A range of research from LD Online
- Speech Pathology Australia Media Release (17/08/2011) – Literacy is a language problem
- Butler, K. (1999) From Oracy to Literacy: Changing Clinical Perspectives. Topics in Language Disorders. 20(1), 14-32
- Prevalence of Speech/and or language impairment in preparatory students in Northern Tasmania, Jessup et. al., (University of Queensland) (2008) International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 2008
- Snow, C.E., Scarborough, H.S. & Burns, M.S. (1999) What speech-language pathologists need to know about early reading. Topics in Language Disorders. 20(1), 48-58.