Teaching High-Frequency Words (Variable Subscription)

$65.00/ year (inc. $5.91 GST)
Code: HFWvs
Year Level: Foundation, School Licences, Year 1 & 2, Years 3 to 6

Select your school size

Extra small

(<49 students)


(50-149 students)


(150-349 students)


(350+ students)

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This is a PLD Whole School Licence resource.

By purchasing this licence, this program will be accessible as a digital flipbook that will be stored in your secure account on the PLD website. The program will be accessible as a digital flipbook that teachers can access on any device for as long as the licence is active. A School Licence is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase and can be shared with all staff employed at the school.

We highly recommend that either the Principal, Deputy Principal or a member of the admin team purchase the School Licence in order to manage the account and its users. For more information,ย visit our Whole School Licence FAQ.

Research suggests that when newly encountered words are not sounded out, they are poorly remembered. This
is important when we approach the teaching of HFW. Although some irregular words cannot be
decoded phonetically, the vast majority of HFW are either fully or partially decodable.

Heart Words are HFWs that contain an irregular concept which cannot be decoded or a complex phonic
concept not yet learned. The difficult part of these words must be learned by heart.

  • This program focuses on the full set of Stage 1, 2 and 3 heart words.
  • It outlines a multi-day scripted process for teaching the reading and spelling of heart HFWs.
  • The program includes charts, games and scripted instruction flash cards.

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School Size

Extra small (<49 students), Small (50-149 students), Medium (150-349 students), Large (350+ students)